Author Archives: lifewiththecows

Think About all the Ways You and the Pollinators are Alike!

On this Easter Sunday we really have a lot in common with the pollinators!!! Think of all the ways!!!!!

It’s a Beautiful Easter Day!!

May the Lord pour His blessings upon you today and every day!

Still Lookin’ for a Little More Rain!

A small sample of spring to come!

The Lord has sent His Blessings!!!

Rain! Rain to replenish our stock tanks! Rain to replenish our crops! Rain to refresh our air! Rain to wash away the dust! Thank you Dear Lord for Your merciful bounty!!!

January 2024

Our first hard freeze of the year brings with it many outdoor chores.:

Fill the waterers, make sure there is plenty of hay-both round bales as well as square bales-wrap all pipes, wrap the well and turn on the heat lamps in the well house. Put the chickens in the barn. Put extra hay in the stall for the goats. Overcome my denial that it won’t be as bad as the weatherman says…!!!!

A Beautiful Winter Sky!!!

All is Calm!!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!!

We are counting our blessings this time of year and praying for restorative rain to fill the stock tanks and nourish the thirsty ground!

Weather’s Fixing to Change!!!

Finally the Temperature is Lovely!!!

Look at these cuties!!! They have really grown!

Sweet Cuties!!!

There Were Three but Now….

There are five!!!

It’s been a very exciting weekend!!! With this heat the most important thing is to be sure these calves are not left out in the blazing sun and that all of the herd has water and shade! Each morning and afternoon involves a head count as well as relocating any calves that have decided to just park themselves in the sun. Sometimes this involves physically picking them up and moving them in to the shade. Most of the time their mamas will be sure they are safe….but sometimes you have to step in and relocate them to safe shade….calves will dehydrate quickly in the hot sun.