Monthly Archives: June 2015


Beautiful bluebells are beginning to come up! 

Diesel loves getting a bath!

Our bull Diesel is loving the bath he is getting from tropical storm Bill!!  More rain on the way you say??  Let me put on my mud boots!

diesel close up Wm



More Glorious Rain!!

More and more glorious rain!  After the years of drought I am embracing this most recent rain event!  However, I have come across some more notable ways that our wildlife is coping with the deluge!

The other night I came upon a Doe and her fawn carefully picking their way across the road….at night….with creeks running high!  I slowed way down to allow mother and baby to cross the road slowly and mother doe carefully searched along the fence line for a small break in the fence that both she and baby could escape through!  Please keep your eye out for all of God’s creature trying to navigate their way to higher ground!  Be patient!  Be mindful!